ttime brukermanual

tTiMe for Dummies


A step-by-step tutorial to generate result lists and split times from MTR logfile and a comma separated verbose database. x.) denote optionals.

The basic idea of tTiMe is based on three components:

Check 'Help'->'Dynamic help' to get dynamic help for buttons.


  1. Set a filename to define the file of your settings (configuration) such that you can reload it later, or load your old configuration 'Configuration'->'Open …'. Press 'Configuration file' to load a configuration when no filename is given or to save your actual configuration.
  2. Download your MTR logfile(s), 'MTR'->'Download from MTR'. The successful downloaded logfile(s) are added automatically to your input configuration. 'Spool range' chose a range of ECards from the MTR memory to be spooled, useful to spool all sessions, when the logfile seems to be incomplete.
  3. Set filename of the MTR logfile, 'MTR'->'Open ..'. tTiMe supports multiple logfiles. tTiMe will ask you if you want to add a new logfile or override the logfile(s) with a new one.
  4. Set filename tTiMe database file, which is a CSV or SDV (comma separated verbose) file, 'Database'->'Open …'. Note that tTiMe will chose the right format. There is not support of pure Excel format, but 'Database'->'Open with free format …' enables to customize your own comma or semicolon verbose format. If you launch the database editor you can convert a palisoft/eTiming csv runner and team databases to tTiMe format. The team database is optional, which implies that the team code will be use as club name


  1. Set the date of your competition if the MTR logfile(s) contains more than one race in the fields 'From date' and 'To date'; retrieve the date with 'MTR'->'Probe logfile' or use 'Tools'->'Grab dates', which retrieves all possible dates from your MTR logfile(s) and sets the date according your selections. 'Past' accepts all dates for 'From date', where 'Future' accepts all dates for 'To date'. If you like to use only entries of a previous race you needed to set 'To date' accordingly. 'From date' defines acceptance of all dates later or equal and 'To date' earlier or equal.
  2. 'Omit' enables you to omit ECard(s) when reading the MTR logfile. The to be omitted ECards are separated by comma, e.g., '23456,45632'. You can also omit entries from the logfiles by the line number entry (line number in front of /).
  3. In order to set 'Codes' and 'Courses' by hand do a 'Tools'->'Grab codes & classes', which allows you to assign classes to code sequences found in the MTR file. The codes are separated by comma (',') and the different code sequences representing a valid course by colon or semicolon (':' or ';'). Controls with different codes are separated by period ('.'), e.g., '99,100.110.150', means that after code 99, 100 or 110 or 150 is accepted. If you have a forked competition check the according box - enables to assign more than one sequence to a class. If 'Normalize multiple controls' is enabled the smallest number of the group will be assigned. If needed you can assign multiple courses to one class by checking 'Support multiple courses/forking', but should be only used when the competition has forking. 'Match courses with database classes' tries to match the classes based to a valid course together based on your database and logfile(s) 'Tools'->'Grab codes & classes' is automatically called if no 'Codes' and 'Courses' are set under 'Run'. The courses can also be imported from a OCAD course setting text file, 'Tools'->'Import OCAD course setting'. The database editor enables more than to import the names, but also clubs and courses with the corresponding classes.
  4. 'Options'->'Accept' allows you to accept different runner status, which are mainly the same as a disqualification, see runner status under conventions. Note that you may also change the runner status or time with 'Manually', see point 9.
  5. 'Manually' enables you to override different times or runner status. You can also set a mass start time such that all runners get the same start time regardless when they activated their ECard. The manual times are pair wise defined staring with either the ECard number or the runner number and the runner status or time, separated by comma, e.g., '13,34:11,76025,DNF,37265,DNF'. To enable mass start use 's' and start time for all runners, e.g. 's,19:40:00', or for a group of classes, e.g. 's;H21;D21,19:40:00'. In order to check the chase start the same yields as for mass start, use 'c', 'c;H21;D21,19:40:00'. Remember that all MTR should have the same time.
  6. 'Options'->'Clear input' clears the runners status, times and splittimes of the input database after reading. This should be checked when computing ranking and the input database should not count for the ranking. If you do not give an input database the output database will be a unique merge of all ranking databases.
  7. 'Options'->'Remove double ECards' removes all double entries when reading the MTR file. Should be checked. Unchecked may only of interest if you like to write the raw splittimes. 'Keep last unique ECards' and 'Remove first DSQ ECards' can be used to supress entries from online registration.
  8. 'Format' enables to define your own format, which is set when opening a database with free format.


  1. 'HTML results' to write the results as HTML, if 'HTML split' is specified the according links are added to the HTML result file.

  2. 'HTML splittimes' to write the split times as HTML.

  3. 'HTML overall' to write overall results as HTML.

  4. 'ttime database' to write back the tTiMe database (comma separated verbose), including the runner status or time, split times, start time, arrival time and arrival order. The output database includes the times, splittimes and other runner related information, e.g., you can look at the time of arrival at the finish by enabling 'Database'->'Extended View' and loading the output database into the database editor.

  5. 'XML database' to write output as IOF 3.0 XML.

  6. 'RAW splittimes' defines the text file to write the raw splittimes.

  7. 'HTML ranking' to write the ranking as HTML.

  8. 'CSV Splitsbrowser' to write CSV Splitsbrowser file.

  9. Press 'Run' to generate your results and output files. Done!

    Note that pressing a button corresponds to open 'Output'->… .

Polling during race

Press 'MTR' and start the polling with 'Poll MTR' or 'Poll 250', tTiMe will write the in coming ECards to file and if possible based on database and/or courses check for:

Online registration

Online registration is supported both for MTR untits and 250 untis. tTiMe will move the selection cursor the runner with the corresponding ECard, and will notify you if there are multiple matches or no match at all. The next ECard will trigger an update, no need to press 'Update', if the registration is ok. Sort your database after 'Status'. There is also a history of the last 5 registered ECards and the last ECard number can be paste from the clip board. There is also toggle button to temporary store incomming runners to a logfile.

tTiMe does also support an option ('Options'->'Remove frist DSQ ECards') to exlude the first ECard if not valid (DSQ) to handle registration and incomming runners on same MTR.



Runner Time Status

DNC : Did Not Clear, ECard was not cleared.
MFS : Multiple Finishes, runner did passed finish more than once.
RWC : Ran Wrong Course, runner ran wrong course.
DSQ : Disqualified.
DNF : Did Not Finish.
DNS : Did Not Start, status A.
RUN : Running, status X or P, but not arrived yet.

Runner Entry status

' ': not active / entered
X : entered
P : entered, group or pair, when several runners run with same ECard.
A : first entered, but then resigned or no show


MTR logfile: '.log', '.txt' or '.text'.
Database: '
.sdv' or '.csv'.
.htm' or '.html'.
XML: '

Database format

The databases are plain text files in comma separated verbose format; Excel CSV or SDV.

tTiMe database:
1;;Alvheim, Atle;HA;Fana IL;;87000;
2;;Alvheim, Martin;HA;Fana IL;;24717;

  1. control; 1. split time; 1. total time; 2. control; …

NC database:

1;;Alvheim, Atle;Fana IL;87000;;;HA;;;
2;;Alvheim, Martin;Fana IL;24717;;;HA;;;

Thanks to: Bjørge (www &, Terje (MTR download), Sindre (250), Andreas (beta tester), Varegg (license), Scott (books) and Jan (perl).

tTiMe 0.73 © 2004-20 by Thierry Matthey (MSWin32 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int C:\ttime\ttime(3)